Charlie Zhang

MS-DSPP 22' @ Georgetown
cz317 [at]




I am a recent graduate of the DSPP program at the Georgetown University. Prior to the McCourt, I studied sociology and political science in Hong Kong and graduated with first class honor. You can click HERE to see my resume.


Substantive: Governance, Political Economy, Development Economics, Public Opinion
Methodological: Causal Inference, Machine Learning


Programming: R, Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, MySQL
Framework: Flask, Shiny, PySpark, Tensorflow, Keras
Library: Scrapy, Gensim, SpaCy, Sklearn, Bokeh, Plotly, Folium
Certificate: Deep Learning Specialization (Coursera)


Current Position

  1. Data Science Consultant at the World Bank
    • Develop the methodology of employing non-survey data sources (Google Trends and aviation data) to assess Pacific Islands Countries' tourism industry under data-sparse situations.
    • Perform time series (SARIMAX, VAR, ARDL, combined models) and econometric (RDD, RDiT) analysis on merged data, with a 41% improvement in RMSE at combined forecasts.
    • Produce data visualizations (bokeh and d3.js) and other data science supports to the Pacific Observatory.

Past Experiences

  1. Consultant at International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)
    • Review literature and identify new robustness checks and approaches relevant to contemporary causal inference techniques. Conduct research on how remote sensing techniques can be implemented in impact evaluations.
  2. Data Science Intern at Development Impact Evaluation (DIME), The World Bank
    • Clean, link, and manage various administrative datasets. Perform statistical analysis and data visualization.
  3. MDI Scholar at the Massive Data Institute
    • Being a member of the Crawl4All to fix the storage (docker, MongoDB) and scraping (scrapy) issues and speed up the process. Extract 1 TB+ files, texts, and images from 7000+ charter schools in the United States.
    Research Assistant for Dr. Marko Klasnja at the Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
    • Scrape (selenium, requests) and parse (pdfminer, pytesseract) information from financial disclosures by office holders in various countries around the world. (code);
    • Clear and Analyze the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) Data from 1983 (~ 20,000+ variables).
  4. Research Assistant at the Lugar Center
  5. Research Assistant for Dr. Yao-tai Li